What topics of BPC arouse greatest interest of foreign media?

25 апреля 2024

489 journalists are accredited at the VII Belarusian People's Congress. The media pool covering the events from the Palace of the Republic is represented not only by allied and partner countries, but also by media from NATO states.

And Belarusian regional media widely use such platforms of information dissemination as the Internet and social networks, which significantly increases the audience.

Evgeny Gorin talked to journalists in the press center of the National Security Service and found out what topics of the Belarusian agenda arouse the greatest interest of foreign media.

Media from such countries as Russia, China, Turkey are represented. That is, quite a diverse representation. On the first day, for example, talking to my colleagues from the Chinese media, I was told that Belarus is a strategic partner in the region for China, we are connected by iron brotherhood, and the Chinese audience is interested in what is going on in our country. Our President is interesting, they listen very attentively to what he says. The implementation of such a form of people's power as the National People's Congress is also interesting. By the way, other foreign media, including Russian media, which work for foreign, Western audiences, pay close attention to this experience.

Konstantin Pridybaylo, special correspondent of RT TV channel (Russia):

Belarus has come up with a new form of government. If suddenly the President makes some unpopular decision, the National Assembly gathers and overturns this decision. The whole world is watching it. Delegates of the National Assembly.