Tomasz Schmidt to official Warsaw: Establish dialog with Alexander Lukashenko

11 мая 2024

Polish dissident and judge Tomasz Schmidt, who had access to state secrets, secret and highly classified documents of the Republic of Poland and is now seeking political asylum in Belarus.

Polish gentlemen, you must wake up, he appealed to the official Warsaw, Poland may be drawn into a war, and it will be a disaster for the country. According to him, it is important that the authorities took action to normalize relations with Belarus. "Establish a dialog with Alexander Lukashenko. The President of Belarus has sent such signals several times: you are our neighbors, we can talk. I think it is enough to sit down at the negotiating table, and then all the problems can be solved. From the side of the Polish authorities I see only actions for aggravation. Well, how can you have a rational policy if you don't even want to talk to your neighbors?"