Tertel: Poland preparing militants to seize facilities and terrorist attacks in Belarus

13 декабря 2023

The security services in Poland are preparing for the capture of facilities and terrorist attacks in Belarus. This was stated by Chairman of the State Security Committee Ivan Tertel in a conversation with journalists.

He assured that not only the aggressive plans for the realization of the force scenario in our country are known, but also the names of employees of the Polish security services, who supervise the activities of these groups.

Ivan Tertel, Chairman of the State Security Committee of Belarus:

On the territory of Poland they are currently preparing for terrorist attacks and seizure of facilities on the Belarusian territory. The most aggressive group is training in Bialystok, 6a Cardinal Wyszynski Street. It is led by our citizen Asadulaev, born in 1991, who once studied at the Military Academy and fled abroad. He hides under the pseudonym "Shlyakhtich". This is one of the most aggressive structures.

"We believe that this is unacceptable. We do not use this practice and we do not think it is good. Ukrainian, Polish, Baltic colleagues should watch that this weapon did not turn against them. We have repeatedly received information that tese groups would like to commit provocations using the methods of 1939. We remember how the Second World War started - with provocation of the Germans using Polish uniforms," Tertel emphasized.