Stanevsky: Those who try to divide Belarusians, do not act in an evangelical way

24 октября 2023

Those who are trying to divide Belarusians are not acting in an evangelical way. This was stated by Archbishop Metropolitan of Minsk-Mogilev Joseph Stanevsky in an exclusive interview on "Belarus 1".

The society in the church is made up of families, says the head of the Catholic Church in Belarus. "In my environment there are families where husband and wife of different nationalities, different religions, even those who do not believe, they have children. And they are doing fine. Why? They are guided by love. Love above all, - the Archbishop is sure. - We invite those who do not support our opinion to come, return to their father's house, look and then give their definition and express their opinion on how things are here".

According to the prelate, those who try to divide the Belarusians are not acting in an evangelical way. "When we have big festivals, events, symposiums, one can see that we have not only Catholics, but also the main representatives of other religious associations. And no one talks about nationalities and religion," Joseph Stanevsky noted.

It is a very big task for the whole society to notice people, the Metropolitan believes: "If you recall the pages of history, the Catholic Church used to have schools, hospitals, orphanages, soup kitchens for the poor. But time is changing, and the state is doing it, and doing it well.