President addresses Belarusian people and Parliament

5 августа 2020
From foreign policy issues, color revolutions to salaries, pensions, education and the future of a sovereign country. Yesterday, the President addressed the Belarusian people and the Parliament. The news line was full of bright headlines and quotes of the President. The head of state's Address reached the top of Google search queries for Belarus on August 4. 

Fighting COVID-19: Belarusian way

Irina Malevanaya, director of the Republican Scientific and Practical Sports Center: "We continued to live by following certain rules. And I think, thanks to this we are not far behind certain countries in terms of epidemiological well-being and kept the economy running. Even in a difficult situation, enterprises continued to operate, unlike in most countries of the world. 

Plus, half a billion rubles was allocated from the budget to support those who were especially in need. Belarus will remain a socially oriented state, and therefore redistribution of property is not included in the plans. 

Economic way of Belarus

The President also outlined the main contours of development in the next five years. The goal is to keep jobs without losing income,  to produce and sell for export. The rate of import substitution should be 3-4% a year. 

Sergey Kharitonchik, principal of the BNTU:  "The President has made it clear that the investment will not come out of nowhere. Today, with the fall of major developed countries, only our traditional resource is left - our work and our mind".

The frankness and sincerity of the Belarusian leader was reflected in the support of the hall. Everyone heard what he was worried about personally and the answer to the most pressing question: Will Belarus stand up in a hybrid fight? The President has no doubt about it. It's a beloved country, but they don't give away the one they love. 

The President's words, which became the final chord of Message 2020, instantly resonated on the Internet. The young guys initiated an action in social networks, where they place photos with emotional hashtags.

The path that our country has made for a quarter of a century has shown that the priorities have been set correctly. Belarus intends to continue moving forward on its own route.