Polish dissident judge tells what secret documents he worked with in his homeland

11 мая 2024

Polish judge Tomasz Schmidt, who escaped and sought asylum in Belarus and who had access to state secrets, secret and highly classified documents in his country, told in the program "Actual Interview" what documents he worked with in his homeland.

"In my line of work, I worked directly with documents under the "Top Secret" stamp. They concerned high-ranking officials of the military, as well as special services. Intelligence, counterintelligence. Of course, I had that kind of access," Tomasz Schmidt said.

As fairly high-ranking Polish official with the status of a judge have been pressured by the intelligence services, the Polish dissident asked.

"Read the Polish press," he replied. - They say that I have already been stripped of everything: immunity of a judge, presumption of innocence. There is a decision to arrest me, even though there is no evidence of my guilt.