President inspected fields in Orsha District

12 августа 2023

After the western regions, attention is being paid to the north-eastern regions. The President today inspected the fields in Orsha District. Agriculture here has always differed in the complexity of farming, primarily because of the climate. It has been raining even today.

Alexander Lukashenko attended one of the peasant farms where the so-called no-tillage method is used. Seeds are put directly into the uncultivated soil, where there are remnants of previous harvests. This alternative option, reports Deputy Prime Minister, has already proven itself in some farms. There are good examples.

This method implies, first of all, serious production discipline. Weed treatment and soil fertilization are not just obligatory procedures. If everything is observed, no-tillage gives a threefold saving in labor, fuel and resources. Agrarians say that there are almost no disadvantages. The President is in favor of experiments, but with a safety net.