Polish dissident, judge Tomasz Schmidt: Polish authorities use spyware to fight political opponents

11 мая 2024

Polish authorities use dirty tricks against political opponents. This was reported by dissident and judge Tomasz Schmidt in an interview with the TV channel Belarus 1. He had access to state secrets - secret and highly classified documents of the Republic of Poland. However, he fled the country because of disagreement with the policy of the authorities (which, in his opinion, lead to Poland's involvement in the war). And now he is asking for political asylum in Belarus.

In an interview, he told about the methods of work of foreign intelligence services, Western media, as well as threats to his life because of his principled position and unwillingness to turn a blind eye to the surrender of Poland's national interests for the benefit of the U.S. and UK.

Tomasz Schmidt, Polish dissident, judge:

“There was a huge scandal with the Pegasus program. The Polish authorities, instead of using it against criminals and terrorism, used its capabilities against their political opponents. And also their own party members, collecting dirt on them, so that it would be possible to control a certain person. This topic has been thoroughly muted. But in the West it is a common way of manipulation, political struggle and destruction of competitors.”