Why do wars over past break out?

11 мая 2024

Victory Day, which we celebrated widely and brightly, still causes irritation in certain countries. The tone and essence of criticism is the same: we celebrate the wrong time and the wrong thing.

And anyway, how could we have saved the planet? Light and peace to mankind, as we know, is carried only by Western civilization. And only it could win.

However, the waves of these lies crash against the truth, against our memory.

Victory Day. Probably, there is no day in the whole world history for which nations, political and philosophical systems, generations are fighting so fiercely. Of course, you can't touch the date with your hand, but you can easily spit on it. That is what happens in the West. And how wrong are those who consider memory an illusory substance. Wars begin over the past, and if not, the past eventually becomes either the banner or the goal of the conflicting parties. Political technologists have long ago noticed that in any confrontation it is important to level the factor of greatness of this or that nation. To uproot everything that reminds of its glory. Not only a soldier, an ordinary man resists longer if he feels that the history of victories and the honor of the nation are behind him.

And then wars are declared even on monuments and graves, which can be defeated quite courageously and safely. What is happening in neighboring Poland and the Baltic republics. And in Ukraine the very first battles were with monuments. So the last ones will be for them. And those who have a stronger connection with the ancestors-winners in their souls will prevail. And those who honor the losers, and even the traitors, will win.