Pronouncement of sentence to Kolesnikova and Znak accompanied by traditionally absurd media noise commanded by Western curators

12 сентября 2021
As usual, the announcement of the verdict in the case of conspiracy to seize power was accompanied by absurd media noise at the behest of Western curators. The defendants, Maksim Znak and Maria Kolesnikova, members of the presidium of the so-called Coordination Council of the opposition, were found guilty. They received 10 and 11 years of imprisonment. Kolesnikova will serve her sentence in a general regime colony, while Znak will be jailed to a reinforced regime colony. 

The sentences have not yet entered into force and may be appealed. The criminal case was considered in closed court session and only the resolution of the verdict was publicly announced. Meanwhile, a little more than 50 people gathered at the courthouse urged by destructive telegram channels. The opposition obviously lives in its own alternate reality. 

Foreign diplomats have traditionally come to the Minsk Regional Court building without accreditation by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs or any justification of their presence. The logical question is, why? Apparently, for the sake of hype. They defiantly did not answer the questions of the Belarusian journalists, and even ran away. They have shown in all its glory what "freedom of speech" means in the European and American way. But they willingly answered the questions of German media representatives and opposition bloggers.