World celebrates 35th International Day of Monuments and Sites

18 апреля 2019

Preventing the destruction of major historical buildings and preserving  cultural is the aim of the  35th International  Day of Monuments and Sites. The UNESCO World Heritage List includes Mir Castle, sites  in Nesvizh, Belovezhskaya Pushcha. Until 2020, specialists will suggest at least five nominations to expand this list. The legacy of Polotsk,  Kolozhskaya Church in Grodno, the buildings in Synkovichi and Murovanka, as well as the August Channel, claim the title of  a "world heritage site".

Restoration and landscaping works take place at 40 other sites. Krevo, Golshany and Novogrudok castles are restored. The Ministry of Culture and the Council of Europe are also reviving the historical and cultural heritage of Mstislavl.