"Any product of any quality" - Alexander Subbotin tells about possibilities of flax production

29 августа 2022
There are 14 countries engaged in flax cultivation. However, the leaders are Belarus, Russia, France and the Netherlands. The main market is the European Union.  According to Alexander Subbotin, Chairman of Vitebsk Region  Executive Committee, the  flax yield this year is slightly higher and the quality is slightly better. Last year it was about 0,94 - 0,93, this year it is more than one - 1,2 -1,4.  

Alexander Subbotin, Chairman of Vitebsk Region Executive Committee:

“We won't get away from full imports at the Orsha flax mill, because there are very high-grade fibers, which are necessary to obtain a high-quality product. It so happens that the quality of soils, the acidity of soils and the climate is colder. Historically,  we used to buy some materials from France, Britain, Belgium. A small part of raw materials is needed from there. We are trying to load our production as much as possible.”

"Depending on the technology and the addition of one or another fiber in the fabric itself, the company can get any product of any quality," says the Chairman of Vitebsk Region Executive Committee. "Now the main task is that we are not selling fabric, but ready-made clothes," Alexander Subbotin concluded.