Achievement Award winners receive congratulations at Mogilev City Hall

2 июля 2021

Many colorful events will take place over the weekend along with Independence Day celebrations. Concerts, fairs and awards will be presented to the most deserving. Today, the City Hall in Mogilev became such a place. The winners of the prize "Achievement" were congratulated for their special contribution to the development of their native city and the country.

Pavel Savelyev, deputy of Mogilev regional Soviet of Deputies, deputy chairman of the regional association of the Belarusian Union of Journalists:

I am very happy to be among these wonderful people, who bake bread, bring up children and cure people. They do not go abroad, begging for grants to do harm to our country. On the eve of our main holiday, the Independence Day, I would like to wish all the citizens of Mogilev, all Belarusians, one thing - that we went forward no matter what happens.

Tomorrow, Mogilev, together with the whole country, will turn into one big concert venue, celebrating the City Day and Independence Day.