Air Force Command announces first results of Yak-130 flight recorders decoding

20 мая 2021
The urgent news just came in. The pilots had just over a minute to make a decision. The Air Force Command reported the first results of Yak-130 flight recorders deciphering. The emergency situation occurred in horizontal flight over the airfield. There was a command to eject, but when the pilots realized that the plane was going into the city to the residential areas, they decided to take the plane out of residential areas.

The video of the crash was also published today: the moment the plane crashed was caught by a dashcam. The tragedy occurred in a matter of seconds.

The military plane Yak-130 of Lida Air Force Base crashed over the city Wednesday. Its crew, Major Andrei Nichiporchik and Lieutenant Nikita Kukonenko fought to the last with the failed equipment, so that the plane did not fall on the houses. They managed to steer the plane away from residential areas, thus avoiding numerous casualties at the cost of their own lives.

The scheduled celebrations were cancelled in Baranovichi. Belarusians mourn together with the relatives and friends of the pilots. Tomorrow in Lida, there will be a farewell ceremony from 9 to 11 am at air base. Major Andrei Nichiporchik will be buried in Lida, Lieutenant Nikita Kukonenko in Polotsk.