Khrenin: The military and political situation in the world requires special attention to ensuring the country's defense capability

17 мая 2024

The development of the military and political situation in the world and directly around Belarus requires special attention to ensuring the country's defense capability. This opinion was expressed by Belarusian Defense Minister Viktor Khrenin during his welcoming speech at the annual gathering "Military Security and Defense of the State," BelTA correspondent reports.

"This is the tenth time in accordance with the decision of the head of state that we hold this gathering in order to improve the level of knowledge of the senior staff of regional and Minsk city executive committees in the issues of state defense and territorial defense in particular," said Viktor Khrenin. - The current development of the military and political situation in the world and directly around the Republic of Belarus requires us to pay special attention to the issues of ensuring the country's defense capability.

He also told about the goals and objectives of the gathering. Thus, the participants will be informed about the main trends in the development of the military and political situation around Belarus, ways to use and fight against unmanned aerial vehicles based on the experience of the special military operation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, as well as the procedure for the formation of the people's militia.

"I'm sure the gathering will be productive and, most importantly, instructive," he summarized.