Finals "Student of the Year" contest to be held in December

20 ноября 2022
The finals of the national contest "Student of the Year" will be held in December, BelTA informs. The regional rounds and the absentee qualification round are already over. According to its results, 16 people have made it to the finals.

The national contest "Student of the Year" is held to support students with the aim of their social recognition and professional implementation. Its main objectives are development of models and programs for training of student youth leaders, popularization of effective forms of youth participation in public life, development of their creative potential, support for socially important activities of students, enhancement of knowledge prestige and popularization of the profession.

Students who are citizens of the Republic of Belarus and study full-time at higher education institutions of the country, have the average grades of not less than 8.00 for the last two semesters, have been active members of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union for at least one year and lead an active social life, conduct scientific, creative and sports life in their university, are eligible for participation in all stages of the competition.

The competition is organized by the Belarusian Republican Youth Union with the support of the Ministry of Education, public and private structures, public and creative organizations, mass media, interested in its implementation.