Expert: We are not threatening anyone, but we will always be able to stand up for ourselves

26 мая 2024

The second phase of exercises on the use of tactical nuclear weapons will soon begin. Why does the West panic because of our military maneuvers? After all, the Union State complies with all obligations in the field of nuclear weapons. And NATO is constantly conducting the same exercises as Minsk and Moscow. We talked about it in the program "Main broadcast" with Russian politician and public figure, chairman of the public "Development Movement" Yuri Krupnov.

For the West, our unity, the unity of the armed forces and the entire range of weapons is a direct reminder that we will not be taken so easily, the expert believes.

"In addition to a powerful army for a population of 9 million and absolutely modern equipped prepared for modern realities, Belarus has a unique territorial location and is a kind of a line of contact with the entire West, with NATO. On the other hand, it has a unique position in relation to Ukraine and the Baltic States. And plus our potentials in terms of armies and weapons.

All experts, he said, it is unequivocally assessed as a formidable force, it will not let change the map of world realities that NATO would like to change both in the European format and pulling up the Indo-Pacific region in the global format. "We are a formidable force. We are not threatening anybody. But, of course, we can always stand up for ourselves.