Ostrovets ground selected for construction of NPP in Belarus

18 августа 2013

By Andrey Krivosheev: 200 environmentalists, community leaders and journalists from Lithuania took part in the discussions over the construction of a nuclear power plant in Ostrovets.

Mikhail Mikhaduk, deputy Belarusian Minister of Energy: Our experts can answer any question related to the construction.

Anatoly Ivanov, observer, editor-in-chief of The Lithuanian Courier: The attitude of people to that is very calm. By the way many Lithuanian nuclear specialists are ready to go to Ostrovets, if they are invited.

While Germany is ready to close dozens of NPPs, Belarus can not afford such a luxury.

Mikhail Mikhaduk, deputy Belarusian Minister of Energy: The construction of the NPP will bring down the power costs.

The experts of Ukraine and Russia confirm that Ostrovets is the safest site in Belarus. Besides, the Russian reactor is the safest one. It has already been tested in Finland and Hungary.

Yuri Soloviev, the Chair of the Belarusian community association Environmental Initiative: One of the safest security systems will be applied in the Belarusian project.

The residual fuel will be utilized in Russia.

Oleg Daviduk, the head of the community center Krok, Visaginas, Lithuania: In many countries like Germany, France and Switzerland the NPPs are located close to big cities.

Anatoly Ivanov, observer, editor-in-chief of The Lithuanian Courier: The one, who will build a nuclear plant in the region first, will receive the economic advantage in this area, since the industry demands more and more power.

Yuri Soloviev, the Chair of the Belarusian community association Environmental Initiative: There is a competition at the power market and Belarus will be an important player.

Together with Kaliningrad power plant, Ostrovets will cover all power demands in Eastern Europe.