Children from Donbass visited pearl of Polesie - Rumyantsev-Paskevich Palace

24 мая 2024

The children from Donbass in Belarus are not only provided with medical care, but also prepared sports, entertainment and cultural programs. Thus, for the children who received mine blast wounds and underwent recuperation and rehabilitation in Mogilev Region, they organized an excursion in the pearl of Polesie - in the palace of the Rumyantsevs and Paskevichs.

Together with their parents, the boys and girls were hosted by the Dubrovenka health resort. Support in rehabilitation was also provided by the enterprises of the Gomel region. Now the way home goes through Gomel. Here the group of teenagers made a stop to see the cultural heritage of Belarus. The guys have only good memories of their vacation in our country and gratitude for the warm welcome.

The children will be reminded of the two weeks of rest in Belarus and the peaceful days by sweet gifts, souvenirs and T-shirts with Belarusian symbols. They were presented by representatives of public associations and enterprises of Gomel Region. The vacation was organized by the charitable foundation of Alexei Talay. The project to improve the health of children of Donbass has been implemented since 2021 with the support of the Standing Committee of the Union State, the presidents of Belarus and Russia. During this time, more than 3 thousand boys and girls have been on vacation here.