What are the western neighbors of Belarus doing and what important message did Lukashenko send to the world?

24 мая 2024

Military tension in the region continues to grow. The President of Belarus has repeatedly spoken about it. Today, about 90 thousand NATO troops are concentrated near the Belarusian borders. The sounds of firing and the clanking of tracks at the firing ranges of Poland and the Baltic States are not silent even for a day. In addition to the large-scale "Steady Defender" exercises, a number of other training exercises are being held in the regions under the chairmanship of the alliance. Recently, Lithuania launched maneuvers "Black Arrow," which will be held a few kilometers from the borders of Belarus.

"Belarus needs peace. Tomorrow, in a year, always. It is important for us to stand firm and not let ourselves be dragged into conflicts," Alexander Lukashenko once said. In recent weeks, he has talked a lot about peace, the situation around the country and how we will respond in case of a direct threat. The wisdom, political tact and restraint of the President of Belarus are admirable, because only a competent politician can react so calmly to what is happening near our border.

The leaders of the Union State have cooled down Western heads by organizing nuclear exercises. today this is an extremely important deterrent factor and, perhaps, the only chance to stop World War III.

The President has sent an important message to the West and the US: "Minsk is not drawing any red lines, there is only one - the state border". The response will be immediate and catastrophic for the enemy. And no one should doubt it.