What does Belarus buy from Uzbekistan and what does it supply to Central Asian market?

19 октября 2022
The Central Asian market is interested in the goods and services offered by the Belarusian capital. This was stated in the City Hall during the meeting of Deputy Chairman of the Minsk City Executive Committee Nadezhda Lazarevich with the Charge d'Affaires of Uzbekistan in Belarus Rakhmatulla Nazarov. Representatives of Tashkent focus on such spheres as tourism and medicine. They also discussed the possibility of creating a trade platform in Uzbekistan, where Belarusian producers will primarily sell meat and dairy products, as well as handicrafts.  

In addition, a trading house of Uzbek goods may appear in our capital. The Uzbek pharmaceutical industry, textile raw materials and cotton supply are of great interest for Minsk. 

Nadezhda Lazarevich, Deputy Chairman of Minsk City Executive Committee: 

Supplies of fresh fruits and vegetables from Uzbekistan are already underway. We help our partners and ship our agricultural machinery, tractors, MAZ. It is nice that our Atlant is also increasing the volume of shipments to Uzbekistan. And our refrigerators and washing machines are also already present in Uzbekistan.