Belarusian scientists about to bring down arterial pressure

4 марта 2014

Vlada Karnitskaya: Such a result became possible due to deciphering smart protein. The breakthrough of the Belarusian biochemists entered the list of top-10 discoveries of the National Academy of Science. Natalia Strushkevich started developing the drug 10 years ago, when she had a graduate training in Canada. Together with her colleagues from the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry she managed to decipher the complicated structure of a 3D protein.

Natalia Strushkevich, the leading research officer of the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Candidate of Chemical Science: The deciphering of the structure was a pure luck, and scientists have very little information about this protein.

The knowledge of the protein structure will enable scientists helping people with hyper tension problems.

Sergey Usanov, Director of the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry: Our institute has its own developments, which are more perfect and more complicated.