Avdonin: The model of integration of Belarus and Russia is focused on improving the welfare of each of our citizens

24 мая 2024

The model of integration of Belarus and Russia is focused on improving the welfare of each of our citizens, not on creating conditions when each citizen is in debt, as in the West. This opinion was expressed by political analyst Alexey Avdonin.

"When we discuss Belarusian-Russian integration, our opponents cite the example of the European Union or integration within the NATO bloc. But one should always understand how Western countries integrated Eastern European countries into their alliances. It was not economic integration, it was debt integration," the expert reminded. - How were the Baltic states, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria integrated? First, they destroyed industry, destroyed agriculture, which was created when these countries were in the Warsaw Treaty Organization. And only then, when there was no more economy, when the country did not generate surplus value, they said: now we will give you loans. Naturally, these countries are in debt, any political decisions are made in Brussels, London, and Washington".

Alexei Avdonin:

Our integration between Belarus and Russia is an integration based on an economic basis, when each country develops its own economy. And look what happened after 2022. The growth rate of Russia's economy is 5.5% for four years.