Aleinik: Accusations of Belarus in "aiding and abetting aggression" look completely absurd.

21 сентября 2023

Rewriting the basic principles of international law and ignoring the legitimate interests of the majority of members of the world community have led to the highest degree of polarization in the world in general and in our region in particular. This statement was made by Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belarus Sergei Aleinik during his speech at the UN Security Council. Belarus observes with great caution the growth of military potentials and arms race in our neighboring countries.

Sergei Aleinik, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belarus:

All of Belarus' initiatives to reduce confrontation, restore trust and strengthen regional security that we have proposed in past years have gone unanswered. For some reason they were looked down upon. As a result, the conflict in Ukraine flared up with renewed vigor in the European region, while the whole world suffered severe consequences in the form of economic, food and energy crises.

The head of the Foreign Ministry recalled that it was in Belarus that the Minsk Agreements were signed, which laid the foundation for the peace process in Ukraine, as well as a set of measures for their implementation, approved by the UN Security Council. Aleinik called "complete absurdity" the accusations of Minsk in "complicity of aggression" in connection with the conflict in Ukraine.

Sergei Aleinik, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belarus:

“Since the end of February 2022, about 120 thousand Ukrainian refugees have arrived in Belarus. This is almost 1.5 percent of the population of our country! Do you think that, feeling aggression from us, these people would come voluntarily to Belarus? The answer is obvious and logical. Let me remind you that our country bears this burden on its own. Instead of assistance, we get only illegal sanctions from the West.”

Sergei Aleinik assured that Minsk has officially invited the UN Secretary-General to visit Belarus personally or to send his representatives to study the situation on the ground. Our borders are open, and we are open to constructive cooperation, said the Minister. And emphasized that the resolution of the conflict is inevitable, and it will end at the negotiating table. Minsk welcomes the emergence of more and more countries that offer reasonable peace initiatives. Belarus is ready to make its contribution to achieving long-term and sustainable peace in the region.