Experts comment outcome of talks between A. Lukashenko and V. Putin

3 июня 2021

The expert community, political analysts and economists, continue to discuss the results of the Sochi talks between Alexander Lukashenko and Vladimir Putin.

The Heads of State agreed to supply Russian hydrocarbons to Belarus in the planned volumes. There should be no problems with access to natural gas; prices are being determined now. We have received the second tranche of the Russian credit in the amount of $500 million. Just as agreed, we will work within the common economic space, but not to the detriment of our sovereignty. The hot topics of recent days were also discussed in Sochi: opposition to sanctions, as well as the incident with the Ryanair plane and its passengers (Protasevich and Sapega), who are actively testifying. Protasevich testimony can cause serious damage to the reputation of individuals in the West, this opinion was expressed by a member of the House of Representatives Andrei Savinykh.

The experts agree that Belarus will be able to give a decent response to the sanctions rhetoric of the West. We will diversify our trade and strengthen our presence in the Russian market. The leaders of Belarus and Russia are absolutely equal in their assessment of the situation. The countries are determined to resist foreign attacks together.