Alexander Lukashenko meets former Belarus’ foreign ministers

20 января 2019

The reason is the 100th anniversary of national diplomacy. There are many topics for conversation, from cooperation with key partners, the situation in the region to foreign policy priorities.

For a sovereign state, this rather means not receptions and celebrations, but a historical analysis. For a young republic with rich state traditions such an analysis is necessary. Accumulation of experience, intelligence and developments of several generations will help to solve today's problems.

Each guest of the Palace of Independence is a whole era of our diplomacy. For example, Peter Kravchenko contributed to the awareness of sovereignty, the formation of the CIS and the establishment of diplomatic relations with most countries of the world.

Vladimir Senko helped to launch of the Belarusian-Russian integration.

At the end of the 90s under Ivan Antonovich there was a new discovery of China and the entire developing world. Under Ural Latypov diplomats became the main agents of our economy abroad. Mikhail Khvostov and Sergei Martynov developed the multi-vector foreign policy from Australia to Venezuela.

While summarizing the frank dialogue, the President stresses: "We will be building, not destroying."