President holds meeting to discuss law enforcement and judicial system activities

12 марта 2017

This week saw a large-scale meeting dedicated to the law enforcement and judicial systems’ activities, held by the President and attended by 260 people representing the country’s power vertical.

Belarusian law enforcement agencies annually advance in fighting crime, consolidating Belarus’ position in the top ten safest countries in the world. In 2016, the number of crimes decreased by more than 4 percent. The number of economic frauds has also decreased almost by half and the number of drug-related offenses has reduced by 14 percent over the past year.

The law enforcement system should be effective without blurred powers and duplicated functions, as stressed at the meeting. The President urged to carry out the system’s optimisation in a balanced way. After all, it does not mean just dismissing employees. The President also outlined problem issues and set tasks for each department.