National food security under the personal control of President, Belarusians provided with everything they need

26 июня 2022
Almost a billion people on the planet will face food shortages this year. Judging by the reports on crop failures, the cautious forecasts can easily become a frightening reality. The severity of the problem will be felt this fall.

The Middle East and Africa will have a particularly hard time. Food prices in the world have increased several times. We can give "thanks" for this to the American and European "well-wishers" who allegedly "care" with one hand and impose sanctions, for example, on our fertilizers, and ban trade with Belarus and Russia with the other. At the same time, they want to blame the global deficit on Lukashenko and Putin.

Being aware of all the hypocrisy of the West and not really believing in the tales of democracy and caring promises of aid, we have long understood: we must rely primarily on ourselves. Therefore, Belarus, among others, followed the difficult and thorny way of ensuring food security.

By one's own labour and sweat. As a result: we feed ourselves, plus we earn on export. The Belarusian leader called the time that has come for our agriculture "The Golden Age". We can sell our products at a good price. Therefore, it is important not to stand still, but to improve the approach and work in the agro-industrial complex.

Alexander Lukashenko, President of the Republic of Belarus:

“I need results, order, discipline, I need discipline.”

The country's food security is under the personal control of the President and Belarusians are provided with everything they need.