President meets with employees of Horizont holding

5 января 2021
The President visits Horizont today. He is getting familiar with the work of a large holding. It consists of 16 commercial organizations employing about 4 000 employees. They work in various fields from the development and production of consumer and industrial electronics to construction, logistics, and services. More than 300 TV models, along with interactive systems, avionics, and dual-use products are in demand. Everything on order, without work at the warehouse. The holding works profitably. The localization of produced television equipment is systematically increased. Alexander Lukashenko was told about this, as well as about the performance of the holding, at Horizont.

Communicating with the employees of the enterprise, the President emphasized the correctness of the decision taken to preserve and develop Horizont. They maintained the work and didn't ruin it.

There is a steady demand for TV and other products even during the pandemic. The vast majority of goods are exported. Production volumes have quadrupled over the past five years. Deliveries are also conducted far abroad. The enterprise is mastering the release of new types of products. The emphasis is on innovation. The 3/4 of the holding's products are exactly like that! The scientific potential was also concentrated in the innovation center in Minsk.