We know and can do everything - Lukashenko about ability of Belarus to do its own products citing example of gone McDonald's

18 января 2024

Belarus can and should engage in import substitution in those segments, which were abandoned by investors from unfriendly countries due to sanctions. Head of State Alexander Lukashenko spoke about the work in this direction at a meeting with the leadership of the Council of Ministers on the example of the gone McDonald's, BelTA reports.

"Publicly I want to give one very vivid example. I named McDonald's not for nothing. The sanctions were imposed by the Americans. They decided to curtail their activities and leave Belarus. The door is open, go away. We didn't keep anyone, but we didn't kick them out either. They were told: if you want to work, work, if you don't want to work, leave. "But it's McDonald's"... "Will anyone be able to work like McDonald's in Belarus?" was the main slogan. And they came to me: "We can't... We can't cut a bun in half and put sausage or meat into it, we can't do french fries, and we can't do that. We can't do anything," reminded the head of state about the problematic issue that arose at the initial stage.

In this regard, Alexander Lukashenko noted that Belarus sells high-quality food products - both dairy and meat, and much more - all over the world. "In our childhood we had enough of these buns, we bought them for a few kopecks, and they were tasty and normal. Can't we cut the bun in half, put meat, potatoes or salad into it? "