Lukashenko: If someone does not know where to start, start with yourself

5 января 2024

The Belarusian goods should be unique. This was stated by the President at the meeting on quality improvement in 2024.

Alexander Lukashenko noted that we should surpass ourselves, no formalism and slackness. And quality control of Belarusian goods and services will be put on a higher level. After all, such a state mark is both a reward and an incentive for good work.

Alexander Lukashenko, President of Belarus:

“We must surpass ourselves. To do this, there should be no formalism and sloppiness. And there won't be, I promise you that. Therefore, tune in from the first days of this year to hard, hard work. We have set a very ambitious goal: to raise the quality control of goods and services produced and the quality of life in the country to a higher level. We have come to a situation where we need to go one or two steps higher. If someone does not know where to start, then start with yourself. Come to work on time and do your job very qualitatively.”

Belarus gives an impetus to the development of quality by relying on the already won authority. All over the world, the products of our enterprises are valued precisely for their strict compliance with the norms of production processes and reference quality. The growing competition and the sanctions confrontation stimulate us to increase the requirements to our own discipline and products.