Intellectual, trade, technological cooperation - Lukashenko holds meeting with delegation of Tomsk Region

15 августа 2023

Attention to the scientific sphere and advanced technologies: today the President held a working meeting with the delegation of Tomsk Region. The region is among the top 3 in the scientific and technological rating of the whole of Russia, which is why it is one of our most promising partners in Siberia. The delegation is large: from agrarians to scientists. The topics range from breeding to space technologies. We are determined to work out all possible joint projects in detail. The governor himself, then still in the status of acting governor, assessed the potential of Belarus a year ago during the Forum of Regions. And now Tomsk Region considers our country as a platform for intellectual cooperation. Alexander Lukashenko emphasizes that there are plenty of niches for this.

Trade turnover with Tomsk Region has grown by 47%.

Last year the volume of trade between the parties grew by 47% and amounted to almost $23 million. Positive dynamics is also observed this year: in the first half of the year the growth is still almost 30%.

"But it is absolutely obvious that this is extremely low. The trade turnover can and should be at least two or three times more. There are plenty of points of growth," drew attention the head of state.

One of the traditional pillars of economic cooperation between Belarus and Tomsk Region is the export of agricultural raw materials to the Russian region.