Belarusian agrarian policy and President's personal supervision of industry result in big choice and normal prices

19 июня 2022
The UN figures on the number of starving people in the world contain more and more zeros. At the same time, the global humanitarian response plan of the same UN is financed by only 8%. While the head of the organization asks for "more money" for solving the problem of hunger than for armament of Ukraine, in fact, one cannot count on assistance in this matter. Today Belarus is 100% self-sufficient in food. 

The fact that the President would deal with agriculture "not from Minsk" was clear at the start of Alexander Lukashenko's career. 

Six years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Belarusian agriculture needed (to make a long story short) everything: people, technologies, financing. The management inside still followed the collective farm charter, while the laws of perestroika in Russia demanded to pay for gas quickly and not at the Soviet price. As a result, in 1997, 30% of Belarusian exports were the barter - that was the way to pay for energy.