Belarus and Russia to jointly create products giving competitive advantages - Yevtukhov

31 марта 2024

The Day of Unity of the Peoples of Belarus and Russia will be observed on April 2. Today the Union State can be called an exemplary integration. Two sovereign countries. Together we move forward the union economy for the benefit of our peoples. We withstand the pressure of sanctions and now we are moving from the concept of "import substitution" to the concept of "technological independence".

What steps are still to be taken? Lidia Zablotskaya studied the project portfolio together with one of the heads of the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade.

Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of Russia, State Secretary Viktor Yevtukhov emphasized that he also supervises Union State issues in the Ministry.

He believes that thanks to the efforts of the leaders of our states, Vladimir Putin and Alexander Lukashenko, good progress has been made in the development of joint projects and in strengthening cooperation ties. "Now it is no longer dozens - it is hundreds of cooperative ties between our enterprises," said the deputy minister. - And not only from the point of view of mutual supply of some components of raw materials, materials, units, equipment, but also creation. I would say not even import-substituting products, but production that would give us an opportunity to achieve technological independence, i.e. we have not just taken something apart, copied it and jointly produced it so as not to depend on someone else, but have already gone forward.