Alexander Lukashenko urges treating Belarusian land with care

19 июня 2022
The footage of the President mowing the grass both by hand and by tractor was taken five years ago. At that time it seemed to be a super-exclusive shot. But as time goes by, you realize that this was not the most important thing in those events. It was the way Alexander Lukashenko treats the land and tries to teach it to others. 

Remember how many times the President harshly criticized local officials for mismanagement on dairy farms? Those videos have millions of views on YouTube. Check them out if you like. Also, read how Lukashenko himself was criticized for driving around cowsheds. He was not supposed to do that. Yet, those cowsheds have now turned into modern dairy complexes. And there is enough cheese and butter both for domestic consumption and for export. 

And there were also government programs for rural development, and the aim from the first days of his presidency - to feed our people. And Alexander Lukashenko achieved this goal.