
10.05.2024 22:39
|  Society

The authorities of European countries have taken on the task of erasing the exploits of Red Army soldiers from the memory of their citizens.

10.05.2024 22:30
|  Society

The whole of Belarus celebrated the holiday of the Great Victory. It is the main moment in the history of revival and formation of our nation.

10.05.2024 22:23
|  Society

The police and special services of the Baltic Republics were particularly persistent in their attempts to spoil the holiday.

10.05.2024 22:16
|  World

The wave of mass layoffs covered Poland. The reason is that major concerns are leaving the country, because of high electricity prices, production has become costly.

10.05.2024 20:29
|  President

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko congratulates Mikhail Mishustin on his election as Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, BelTA informs, citing the press service of the Belarusian leader.

10.05.2024 19:45
|  Society

The color of mood and celebration is red-green. Today, a large-scale project "Symbols of Belarus - symbols of peace" has inspired literally the whole of Minsk.

10.05.2024 19:35
|  World

More than a thousand left-wing protesters from all over Europe have staged a large-scale action outside the Tesla plant in Grunheide, Germany.

10.05.2024 19:15
|  Society

Experts and guests of the "Editors' Club" agree with Polish dissident Tomasz Schmidt, who openly assessed the actions of the Polish authorities towards Belarus and Russia.

10.05.2024 19:10
|  Society

The guests of the May celebrations in the center of Minsk talked about how important it is to defend the historical truth, to be strong in this difficult time.

10.05.2024 18:15
|  Society

On May 10, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko signed Decree № 196 on awarding the Order of Mother, reported in the press service of the Belarusian leader.

10.05.2024 18:00
|  Society

On December 6, 2022, a 29-year-old Masha Pirogova, a member of the Republican Parliament and a volunteer, became a victim of Ukrainian in the center of Donetsk.

10.05.2024 17:15
|  Society

Another victims of European democracy. The day before two men without signs of life were found at the Latvian border fence in Braslav District.

10.05.2024 17:00
|  Society

On the eve of the Day of the State Flag, the State Emblem and the National Anthem, the Minsk military commandant's office is rehearsing the event.

10.05.2024 16:30
|  Society

90% of Polish mercenaries returned from Ukraine in coffins. But there is no such information anywhere. This was reported by dissident and judge Tomasz Schmidt in an interview with the TV channel "Belarus 1".

10.05.2024 13:15
|  World

The exercise involving 2 thousand paratroopers from NATO countries started in Romania. These are the servicemen from Germany, Spain, the Netherlands, Romania, Spain, the United States and France.

10.05.2024 11:30
|  Society

The defenders of the Brest Fortress were the first to oppose the fascists. It is symbolic that it is there, on the territory of the Kobrin fortification, where the 125th rifle regiment was located in 41, where the republican center for patriotic education of youth is being created today.

10.05.2024 11:00
|  World

Prime Minister of the Polish regime unexpectedly opened up and admitted that NATO soldiers are present in Ukraine. According to Tusk, without the alliance's help, Kiev would not have been able to defend itself for so long.

10.05.2024 10:45
|  World

The people of Poland and Austria arranged their own celebration for the Victory Day. Polish activists held an action against the allocation of funds to the regime of Zelensky.

10.05.2024 10:30
|  World

The Russian side organized a concert "Shores of Victory" for Estonians, who are forbidden to celebrate the Victory Day

10.05.2024 10:15
|  Society

Respect for the Victory, remembrance of fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers, who gave their lives so that we lived in a peaceful and prosperous Belarus.

10.05.2024 09:30
|  World

The police in Berlin, according to local media reports, detained 10 people for wearing St. George ribbons and other Russian symbols.

10.05.2024 09:15
|  World

Nineteen people were detained in Latvia on Victory Day, local police said. Two criminal cases and 59 cases of administrative offenses have been initiated.

10.05.2024 07:45
|  Society

The family of Evgeny Stefanovich Parfenyuk learned about the beginning of the Great Patriotic War even before the official appeal of Molotov.

09.05.2024 22:03
|  Society

Unity, courage, selflessness, readiness to fight for peace to the last drop of blood. On May 9, 1945 the Red Army entered Berlin and forever glorified its battle banners.