Visit of Chairman of Belteleradiocompany Gennady Davydko to Cuba

From January, 18 to 20, 2016, Chairman of Belteleradiocompany Gennady Davydko visited Cuba. During the visit, a series of meetings and talks were held with colleagues in the field of television and radio. As a result, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed and the prospects of cooperation were identified.

Information Report

From January, 18 to 20, 2016, Chairman of Belteleradiocompany Gennady Davydko visited Cuba. During the visit, a series of meetings and talks were held with colleagues in the field of television and radio. As a result, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed and the prospects of cooperation were identified.

On January 18, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed by the Belteleradiocompany and the Cuban Institute of Radio and Television with the aim of cooperation in the field of Radio and Television.

During the meeting with the leadership of the Cuban Institute promising areas of cooperation were outlined. Among them are the exchange of news materials reflecting the history and modern development of both Belarus and Cuba, as well as implementation of joint projects presenting the life of the youth of the two countries.

A similar project The Tourist was successfully presented on the TV channel Belarus 2, when Belarusian journalist, host of the program Good Morning, Belarus! Denis Dudinka traveled to Georgia, and a journalist from Georgia was able to visit interesting places in Belarus.

The Cuban side expressed its interest in the project that was proposed by Gennady Davydko: where the Cubans will sing Belarusian songs and Belarusian artists will perform Cuban songs.

During the visit, the Chairman of the media holding held a working meeting with the head of the international radio station Radio Habana Cuba.