On cooperation with media holding Henan Airport TV Media

Journalists of the Chinese province Henan are ready to become new partners of the international radio Belarus of the Belteleradiocompany. This was announced by the delegation members of the media holding Henan Airport TV Media, headed by Director-General Li Ying, during their visit to the House of Radio in Minsk.

Information message

Journalists of the Chinese province Henan are ready to become new partners of the international radio Belarus of the Belteleradiocompany. This was announced by the delegation members of the media holding Henan Airport TV Media, headed by Director-General Li Ying, during their visit to the House of Radio in Minsk.

During the meeting the guests noted that the main task of their broadcasting policy was to acquaint the international community with the state program One Belt, One Road as a means of establishing cultural and economic cooperation with countries of the world.

Members of the foreign delegation and representatives of Radio Belarus exchanged proposals on the establishment of close creative relationships, information sharing, cooperation in the Internet space.

- We pay great attention to highlighting issues of the Belarusian-Chinese cooperation, - said chief director of the International Radio Belarus Naum Galperovich. - We hold broadcasts in Chinese; together with the Chinese Embassy in Belarus, the Republican Confucius Institute of BSU and the Society of Friendship and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries we hold an essay competition Great Silk Road and Industrial Park Great Stone Through My Eyes, which has already received more than fifty works. These works can be found on our website and on the Internet portal of the publishing house Zvyazda, with whom we have established close and fruitful cooperation.

During the visit, foreign journalists and the leadership of Radio Belarus agreed to sign a joint agreement on information exchange and other mutual contacts aimed at coverage of comprehensive strategic partnership of our country and China.