Broadcasts from Olympics 2016 to become major television event of August

From August, 5 to 21, Rio de Janeiro will host the XXXI Summer Olympic Games. Belarusian audience will be able to follow the biggest sports forum with multi-million global TV audience. Broadcast of the main events of August will be held by the TV channels Belarus 1, Belarus 2 and Belarus 5.


From August, 5 to 21, Rio de Janeiro will host the XXXI Summer Olympic Games. Belarusian audience will be able to follow the biggest sports forum with multi-million global TV audience. Broadcast of the main events of August will be held by the TV channels Belarus 1, Belarus 2 and Belarus 5.

This year the Olympics will be held in South America for the first time. Athletes will compete for a record number of sets of medals - 306 medals in 33 kinds of sports. The largest number of participants is expected in Brazil: 206 national teams will represent their countries. Belarusian sportsmen are among them.

The BTRC, as the owner of an exclusive right to broadcast the XXXI Summer Olympic Games, will traditionally provide the widest possible coverage of the main event of four years.

35 representatives of the media holding will wok in Rio de Janeiro, including a creative team and technical staff. The experience of large-scale coverage of the Games in London and Sochi will be used during live broadcasts of the Summer Olympics in Rio in order to deliver the acuteness of competitions to sports fans. Commentators of the competitions are Vladimir Novitsky, Pavel Baranov, Alexander Dmitriev, Alexander Tsvechkovsky and other professionals from the Olympic team of the BTRC.

The opening and closing ceremonies of the XXXI Olympic Games will be broadcast by the channel Belarus 1. On August, 5, grand opening of the Olympics 2016 will be held in the Mario Filho Stadium, better known as the Maracana, where the Olympic torch relay will finish. Organizers promise a colorful show in which 3,000 kilograms of fireworks will be launched and 10,000 volunteers will be involved. Other details of the grandiose show are kept secret, but viewers of the main channel of the country will see all the festivities live.

Diaries of Olympic Games prepared by the TV News Agency will cover the most interesting and exciting moments of the Games. They will be aired twice a day, starting on August, 5. In the morning, short diaries will present the latest information about the events, which will take place at night for the Belarusians because of the time difference with Brazil. More detailed diaries will be aired in the evening after Panorama on Belarus 1. Olympic news will also be present in the newscasts of the TV News Agency.

For the whole period of the Olympics the channel Belarus 5 will become a thoroughly Olympic channel and will show live the maximum number of events. Belarusian athletes have received licenses to participate in 25 kids of sports. During the 16 days of the competition our countrymen will compete for the top places in many of them. The channel Belarus 2 will broadcast competitions in team sports, including those with participation of the women's basketball team.

The daily volume of Olympic broadcasting on all channels of the media holding will be about 33 hours a day, and the total amount will exceed 500 hours!

The Belteleradiocompany invites sports fans to follow the performance of our Olympians together with the TV channels Belarus 1, Belarus 2 and Belarus 5 from August, 5 to 21!