West ready to do anything for the sake of Ukrainian meat grinder on Belarusian land

17 мая 2024

A lot of important things, determining our future fate and development, were said during the historic event - the Belarusian People's Congress. The most important message is the preservation of peace and security. As the President reminded the assembly, if bullets whistle over us and if our houses are bombed, everything else will be unimportant.

One sees great things at a distance. People have united. They have started to think not only about their fences and roofs, but to think strategically, state-wise, so that in many years everything would be fine in their native Belarus, so that there would be peace. And there is something formed abroad, which the enemies call "national liberation army". In fact, these are those who want to continue and complete what fascist Germany started.

No one wants to go to war. And Ukrainians don't want to. But who asks them? They catch them and send them to the front. They have put in the top corrupt dummies repeating that "war is a great business". Who listens to the wise advice of Lukashenko and Putin? It is Ukraine that poses the main real risk in the region. It was not difficult for the West to take it over after decades of preparation. The states really want our region to be weakened and fragmented as much as possible. So that the European Unionists would bend over and starve, selling their sovereignty cheaply, ready to do anything for a piece of American bread.

The President once even voiced three main scenarios that the foreign curators of our fugitives are working on. The first one is a violent coup d'état during the election campaigns. True, the authors themselves do not really believe in it, they do not see the prerequisites to "shake". The second is a rehearsal and the initial stage of preparation for a coup in 2025 and beyond. All resources will be thrown at this plot. The third option is a long game. The very one, which, as our President said, has not stopped since the existence of sovereign Belarus. And this scenario is more dangerous.

The enemy has taken into account his mistakes. Quietly, year after year, trying to get into the minds and souls of our people. That's why they constantly lie, erase history, demolish monuments, mold people of small-mindedness, consumers, who exchange respect, mercy and love for money. They bring up those who are not touched by cruelty and even murder. At the same time they create groups of traitors, as it was in Nazi Germany. They are building up strike and offensive forces around us, sniffing and provoking at our borders. They are planning terrorist attacks and bloody invasions of a sovereign state.

Alexander Lukashenko, President of Belarus (25.04.2024):

"For the sake of the change of power in Belarus, they are really ready to do anything. Now they are adjusting the main directions of the force scenario of appropriate actions. They are perfecting the so-called plan "Peramoga 2.0". It focuses on the organization of "national liberation movement" in Belarus. We are identifying these so-called underground fighters."

American strategists have spent a lot of money on Belarus. Billions of dollars have been spent to break us. The West is ready to do anything for the sake of the Ukrainian meat grinder on the Belarusian land, for the sake of complete control over Belarus. Hundreds of militants are trained in Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine and other countries. They are transferring weapons to us, detaining saboteurs and much more.

Ivan Tertel, Chairman of the State Security Committee of Belarus (25.04.2024):

"A scenario is being realized with regard to our country, an example of the consequences of which we see in Ukraine with its destroyed cities, hundreds of thousands of victims and actual loss of sovereignty. Documentary materials received by foreign intelligence unambiguously testify that the main goal in relation to the Republic of Belarus is to establish full control over its territory, economic potential and resources belonging to the Belarusian people."

The enemy has "only two possibilities against us: war and hunger revolt". That is why the National Security Concept and the Military Doctrine as a powerful part of the global security strategy of the country and its development. Yes, and let us remind the West of these words of the President:

"If the West wants to remain one of the centers of power in the new world order, let it learn from ancient China. The community of common destiny with all mankind is a model of unity of nations without prejudice to national cultures, ideologies and sovereignties. Without suppression and a sense of superiority. Without rattling of weapons. By the power of wisdom and intellect."