Modern approaches to defense of Union State borders discussed at meeting in Grodno

17 мая 2024

Measures to protect the external border of the Union State, as well as the situation at the borders became the topic of discussion at the meeting of the board of the border agencies of Belarus and Russia in Grodno.

The existing challenges and threats require modern approaches to ensuring security and protection of the Union borders. Modernization of infrastructure and technical equipment are in the focus of attention. The parties considered the implementation of the joint program for the development of border security until 2027.

Vladimir Dolzhenkov, Head of the Department of the State Border Committee of Belarus:

“This is our fifth program, which has been implemented since 2023. In the course of its implementation, the density of state border protection has been increased through the technical re-equipment of signaling complexes at the expense of automated technical observation posts. The probability of detecting state border violators has been increased through the acquisition of automotive and engineering equipment. The technical equipment of border units has also been increased.”

The decisions taken will increase the level of cooperation between border agencies to stop violations on the external borders of the Union State.