No problems with attracting resident companies in Great Stone - Golovchenko

18 мая 2024

The investments of residents of the "Great Stone" are approaching 1 billion dollars. At the same time from the state budget of the country directed no more than 4% of the funds, which only at the expense of taxes returned threefold to the state treasury. This was stated by Prime Minister of Belarus Roman Golovchenko on May 18 during his visit to the Chinese-Belarusian Industrial Park.

Now the first stage of the site development is coming to an end, but there is already a long-term planning for the development of infrastructure. The production buildings for resident companies in various fields are built here every year: from medicine and microelectronics to mechanical engineering. There are no problems with attracting new companies to Great Stone.

Roman Golovchenko:

Residents from all countries, including those that are conditionally unfriendly to us, those who have a sober head and their own calculations. In principle, there are no problems with attracting resident companies here, as reported. Of course, our main residents are companies from China and the Russian Federation. This is quite natural, because the park is one of the anchor points of industrial development of the "One Belt, One Road" project. Therefore, it is quite normal, positive and organic that Chinese and Russian technologies and the Eurasian Economic Union market come together on the Belarusian soil.

Today, the industrial park has 133 residents, with 14 new companies coming in 2024.