President Alexander Lukashenko pays working visit to Ivye District of Grodno Region

21 августа 2019

Every week the Head of State visits small settlements to find solutions to problematic issues and support  the development of regions. The Head of State announced a series of visits to other small towns in the near future. He also plans to visit the enterprises for processing of flax. 

Everything is important: the development of agriculture, roads, an opportunity to improve one’s health. The  town Ivye, where the President arrived today, is a model for other towns in this regard.

Decent working conditions and wages is what the President primarily looks at when assessing a particular enterprise. But what he saw exceeded the expectations. The enterprise includes several plants, including diverse ones. One of them is in a wood processing works. 

However, the company's management and specialists asked the President for support today. The equipment is produced in small batches, but the cost of testing one model is high, it will be easier if the state gives a shoulder. 

Ivye District has long been famous for its horticultural and vegetable traditions. Last week mass media reported about a thematic holiday and tomato fights.n the structure of the business there is a company that produces windows and doors. Wooden windows are more expensive than plastic, but more environmentally friendly and serve 10 times longer. Following the example of many countries Belarus refuses from plastic tableware in cafes, plastic bags in stores, the drinks are bottled.