Key points of growth in high technology discussed at meeting with President

19 марта 2019

Internet of things, modernization of cellular communication systems and key points of growth in the sphere of high technology are of the most promising sectors of the Belarusian economy and the fastest-growing industry. In less than ten years, its share in the country's GDP almost doubled. It is also a huge labor market, which employs about 100 thousand people. The President also noted an important feature for Belarus: high -technological segment of the economy does not require a material oil and gas foundation. Moreover, the demand for certain services is already ahead of supply.

Now Belarus occupies the 32nd place in the index of development of information and communication technologies. It is included in the group of countries with a high level of development of the relevant infrastructure, ahead of all partners in the CIS and being at the level of Italy, Portugal and the Czech Republic. The rating takes into account the quality and availability of the Internet, the development of cable television and mobile networks.