Mother Language Day celebrated around the world today

21 февраля 2020
Securing linguistic uniqueness and thus preserving the identity of the nation. Such goals are put at the round tables and conferences dedicated to the Day of Mother Language. The date is based on General Conference of UNESCO held 21 years ago. The organization estimates that, today, exactly half of 6 thousand languages in the world are on the brink of extinction. Language is recognized "endangered" when it is spoken by less than 100 thousand people.

To save linguistic diversity, linguists and historians are constantly working to create dictionaries. Thus, during the 60 years of the Academy of Sciences employees collected "project of the century" in 15 thousand pages - "Historical Dictionary of the Belarusian language".  This is the only edition that contains 75 thousand words of  the Old Belarusian literary language  during the 500 years of its existence.