Decoration of large private dining room completed in Loshitsa Manor

22 января 2018

This is the final stroke of the revival of the architectural monument. Historians, collectors and designers have done a lot of research work in order to restore the interior of the estate. In order to decorate the dining room of Belarusian aristocrats, designers studied the interiors of the houses of the 20th century. The dining room in the Art Nouveau style is neoclassicism. More than 100 items from the personal collection were provided by collector Vitaly Zhukov. The dominant hall is the oak buffet of Austro-Hungarian masters. Thus, a mix of Russian, European, Eastern objects of decorative and applied art was obtained. The table in Loshitsa Manor is served with dishes that can not be found in modern houses.

Tables are served, but all guests are not yet seated. In the interior there are only 4 chairs, while the number of guests is much larger. As in the novel by Ilf and Petrov finding 12 identical chairs today is a fantastic mission.

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