Sand art exhibition opens in Minsk

10 августа 2017

By Daria Tarasova: An exhibition of sand-art or sand graphics opened yesterday the day before in the University of Culture Art Gallery in Minsk. The exhibition features both works by 38 artists from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus and the photos of their masterpieces.

Sand art is the most short-lived art. It is the youngest form of art, too. It originated in the 1970s.

Depending on their concept, each artist uses a certain kind of sand. Fine quartz makes the picture look vague, while coarse-grained sand gives the lines clarity. Most masters of sand work with their hands, and once in a while they use brushes.

The set of tools includes a table, glass, lights of different brightness and a powerful projector. They allow an artist to play with light and shadow. The camera, fixed above the table, is broadcasting the image to the public. For live performances of creating pictures, artists need about a kilogram of sand. Although as a matter of experiment, instead of sand, an artist sometimes uses coffee.

The mind work of a sand artist can be compared to that of a chess player. Every single action is to be calculated. An artist needs to foresee everything at all times. In real time, artists do not have the right to make a mistake. Therefore, each performance is tuned to perfection. Hours of rehearsals are behind their ease and grace.

In addition to viewing the exposition, viewers have the opportunity to visit master classes, lectures and creative meetings with sand artists. Next, the exhibition of short-term art will go move first, to other cities of Belarus, and then to Lithuania.