Dzerzhinsky District produces black caviar

1 апреля 2018

Dzerzhinsky District proved that even without access to the sea or large rivers in Belarus, it is possible to produce black caviar. Delicacies fr om local producers take prizes at exhibitions.

Here, the process uses complicated technology. It was the President's task to create aquaculture facilities in the country wh ere the cultivation of fish is carried out. At this private enterprise, sturgeon already brings profits of 30%.

In the future, they are going to produce red caviar, too. A facolity for growing salmon is expected to be built. Alexander Lukashenko set a task to further develop such farms in the country.

Also, while visiting the dairy complex in Vyazynka, the President reminded agrarians of the task to bring to modernize and improve 1,200 farms across the country. The bet on milk is justified – today it gives a profitability of 20%.

Claims by Rosselkhoznadzor, Russia’s Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance, were also discussed. Since yesterday, the supply of dairy products from several Belarusian enterprises has been limited. Rosselkhoznadzor did not give any reasons for such actions. At the same time, the Belarusian side guarantees openness and transparency. There is an opinion that the actions of Rosselkhoznadzor have to do with the supply of large amounts of dry milk to Russia from other countries, in particular from New Zealand.