Belarus continues to fulfill tasks set by President last week

11 марта 2018

Industry remains the main driver of the economy. However, despite the growth and increase in profits, there are unresolved issues: credit debt, delays in construction and lack of investment to open high-tech industries.

The President spoke about it in the Government House. Alexander Lukashenko drew the attention of the heads of the regions: each of their territories needs a portfolio of investment projects. But it's not about number, it's about where the money comes from and how effective the projects will be.

A quarter of the country's GDP is formed by the real sector, our industrial giants. The share of smaller production is lower. The main thing is to learn to compete in the market, this applies to both large and small enterprises.

Modernization is the task number one. The seventh decree opened new opportunities for private owners. New reality is a struggle for technology and markets. With an eye to new technologies, we are waiting for the return on the existing enterprises. The money should be invested in modernization and investment projects that promise good profits and products for foreign buyers.