Unique farming

14 января 2018

Strawberries in winter, exotic mushrooms or sturgeon with black caviar from Belarus. A couple of years ago, many skeptics only smiled at the mention of these delicacies. But today it is more than reality. And instead of overseas caviar there are our products under the brand "Made in Belarus".Vasily Vergeichik also got engaged in the cultivation of decorative fish.

The agro-industrial complex of Belarus will be based in the future on the export of agricultural products. And this year the industry has aimed to earn more than 6 billion dollars from the supply of products abroad. Including at the expense of non-traditional spheres.

Pavel Grudinin, a presidential candidate from the Communist Party, professional agrarian, who headed the Moscow State Farm named after Lenin highly appreciated the quality of Belarusian goods,

The farmer has been developing his business for. And today the best conditions for the development of their business on their native land were created in Belarus.